"This worldwide movement is designed to utilize everyone's talent for change! It's programs boost confidence, improve social skills and aid in becoming more self-sufficient". -ELLEE PAI HONG
Provided services to over 1,050 individuals at 70 different locations in South Florida and Puerto Rico.
90% of the service participants were under 18 years of age
10% of the service participants were homeless and disabled adults
Participated in 15 community park events.
Organized volunteers for community service days at 24 locations, including schools, youth centers, group homes, and churches.
Partnered with 3 local community gardens and farms to allow inner city youth to learn about and experience growing and harvesting produce.
Hosted 4 free youth workshops in Miami restaurants to teach participants about preparing, plating, and serving food, as well to provide lessons on table manners and etiquette.
Hosted 4 free youth cooking workshops around the Island of Puerto Rico.
Served approximately 900 initiative participants in 2018.
Partnered with Brightline Trains to promote rail safety in conjunction with providing free haircuts to youth and homeless individuals living near train tracks.
Participated in 32 community events.
Successfully completed a 9-month program pilot with Overtown Youth Center.